Friday, March 16, 2018

Shajrah Shareef All India Jamat-e-Raza-e-Mustafa

Shajrah Shareef



Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem
Ya Ilahi Rahem Farma Mustafa Salallahu alaihiwasalam Ke Waaste
Ya Rasoolallah Salallahu alaihiwasalam Karam Ki’jiye Khuda Ke Waaste.
Mushkile Hal kar Shahe Mushkil Kusha Ke Waaste
Kar Balaa-e-Rad Shaheede Karbala Ke Waaste.
Sayyid-e-Sajjaad Ke Sadqe me Saajid Rakh Mujhe
I’lm-e-Haq deh Baaqir-e-I’lm-e-Huda Ke Waaste
Sidqe Saadiq Ka Tasadduq Saadiqul Islam Kar
Be Ghazab Raazi hoh Kaazim aur Raza Ke Waaste
Bahre Ma’roof wa Sirri Ma’roof de Be’khud Sirri
Jund-e-Haq me Ghin Junaid-e-Baa Safa Ke Waaste
Behre Shibli Shere Haq Duniya Ke Kutto Se Bacha
Ek ka Rakh Abde-Waahid Be Riya Ke Waaste
Bool Farah Ka Sadqa Kar Ghum ko Farha de Husn wa Sa’ad
Bool Hassan aur Bu Saeede Sa’ad-e-zaa Keh Waaste
Qaaderi Kar Qaaderi Rakh Qaaderiyo me ut’ha
Qadre Abdul Qaadire Qudrat Numa Ke Waaste
Ahsanal laahu Lahu Rizqan se de Rizqe Hassan
Banda’e Razzaaq Taajul Asfiya Ke Waaste
Nasraabi Saaleh Ka Sadqa Saaleho Mansoor Rakh
De Hayaat-e-Deen Muhiy’ye Ja Fizaa Ke Waaste
Toor-e-Irfaan wa Uloo wa Hamd wa Husna wa Bahaa
De Ali Moosa Hassan Ahmed Bahaa Keh Waaste
Bahr-e-Ibraheem Mujh Par Naar-e-Ghum Gulzaar Kar
Bheek De Daata Bhekaari Badsha Keh Waaste
Khana’e Dil ko Zia De Roo’e Imaan Ko Jamaal
Sheh Zia Maula Jamaalul Awliya Ke Waaste
Deh Muhammad Keh Liye Rozi Kar Ahmad Keh Liye
Khaane Fazlullaha se Hissah Gada Ke Waaste
Deeno Duniya Ki Mujhe Barkaat de Barkaat se
Ishqe Haq de Ishqi-e-Ishq Intima Keh Waaste
Hubbe Ahle Bait de Aale Muhammad Ke Liye
Kar Shaheede Ishqe Hamza Peshwa Ke Waaste
Dil Ko Ach’cha Tann Ko Sutra Jaan Ko Pur noor Kar
Ache Pyaare Shamsuddeen Badrul Ula Ke Waaste
Do Jaha me Khaadime Aale Rasoolullah Kar
Hazrate Aale Rasoole Muqtada Ke Waaste
Noor-e-Jaan wa Noor-e-Imaan Noor-e-Qabro Hashr De
Bul Husain-e Ahmade Noori Liqaa Ke Waaste
Kar ‘Ata Ahmad Raza eh Ahmade Mursal Mujhe
Mere Maula Hazrate Ahmad Raza Ke Waaste
Saaya-e Jumla Mashaa’ikh Ya Khuda Hum Par Rahe
Rahem Farma Aale Rahman Mustafa Ke Waaste
Sadqa In Ay’ya Ka de Che Ain Izz I’lmo Amal
Afwo Irfaa Aafiyat is Be nawaa Ke Waasteh
The above Shajrah Shareef is to be recited once daily after Fajar Salaah followed by the following Khatam Shareef.
(a) DUROOD-E-GHAU’SIYA – 7 times
(b) SURAH FATIHA – 1 time
(c) AYATUL KURSI – 1 time
(d) SURAH IKHLAAS – 7 times
(e) DUROOD GHAU’SIYA – 3 times
When you have completed reciting these, send the Thawaab to the Arwah (Souls) of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) all the Mashaa’ikh of your Silsila, and the Muslim Ummah in general. If your Peer-o-Murshid is still alive, make Dua for his good health, prosperity and spiritual advancement. If he passed away, then include his name in the Fatiha and make Dua for him and yourself on behalf of him. .
The following Waza’if is known as Panj-e-Ganj-e-Qaderi which should be
read daily after every Salaah. First, read 3 times Durood-e-Ghausiya, then
the specific Waza’if 100 times, terminating with Durood-e-Ghausiya 3 times.
After Fajr Ya Azeezu Ya Allah
After Zohar Ya Kareemu Ya Allah
After Asar Ya Jabbaaru Ya Allah
After Maghrib Ya Sattaaru Ya Allah
After Esha Ya Ghaf’faaru Ya Allah
By continuous reciting of these Waza’if, you will receive great Barkaat and
spiritual pleasure in this world and Akhira
Also After Fajr and Maghrib Salaah, it is Strongly Recomended to Recite
the Following Waza’if each 10 Times with Durood Shareef before and after:
Hasbi’yallahu La Ilaha il’la Huwa. Alaihi Tawaq Qaltu Wa Huwa Rabbul
Arshil Azeem. Rabbi Inni Massaniyad Durru Wa Anta Arhamur
Rab’bi Inni Maghloobun Fantasir Sayuhzamul Jam’u Wa
Yu-walloonad Dubur
Allahuma Inna Naj Aluka Fi Noorihim Wa
Na’oozo Bika Min Shuroo Rihim.
If you continuously recite these Waza’if, Insha Allah, all your Jaa’iz desires
will be fulfilled and you will always be protected from your enemy.
Before commencing the Panj-e-Ganje Qaderi you may recite the following
Wazifa once. This will protect you from enemies & witchcraft, etc.
Bismillah hir Rahmaanir Raheem. Wash Shamsa Wal Qamara Wan
Nujooma Musakh’kharatim Bi Amrihi Alaa Lahul khalqu wal Amru
Tabaarakallahu Rabbul Aalameen. Gird-e-man Gird-e-Khaan-e-man Wa
Gird-e-Zan Wa Farzan daan-e-man Wa Gird-e-Maal Wa Dostaan-e-man
Hisaar-e-Hifaazat Tu Shud Wa tu Nigahdaar Baashi. Ya Allahu Bihaqqe
Sulaimaanabne Dawood Alaihimas Salaam Wa Bihaqqe Ahyan
Ashraahiyan Wa Bi Haqqi Aliqam Maliqan Taliqan Anta Ta’lamu Ma fil
Quloobi Wa Bihaqqi Laa Ilaaha il=lal Laahu Muhammadur Rasoolullahi
Wa Bihaqqe Ya Mu’minu Ya Muhaiminu Sallal laahu ta’ala alaihi wa
Aa’lihi Wa Sah’bihi Wa Sallam
Note: After reciting this once, blow on the Shahaadah finger of the right hand
and move this finger in a circle around the right ear for an odd number of
times e.g. once, thrice or seven times. This will protect you from all evil
These Wazifas are read if you desire something:
Recite this Wazifa 874 times with 11 times Durood Shareef before and after.
Make sure that you are in Wudhu, sit in the Tashahhud position and face the
Qibla. Read this Wazifa everyday until your problem is solved.
Read this Wazifa daily 450 times with 11 times Durood Shareef before and
after. It must be read continuously when one is depressed.
This wazifa should be recited 111 times after Esha Salaah with 11 times
Durood Shareef before and after. This Wazifa is read with a desire to
overpower one’s enemies.
In connection with these 3 Wazifas, the following should be kept in mind:
Recite these Wazifas according to their specific amounts as indicated, e.g.
874; 450 and 111.
The first two Wazifas can be read at any time during the day.
The third Wazifa must be recited only after Esha Salaah.
For the sake of Barakah (to those who do not have any problems), one may
read the first two Wazifas 100 times each with 3 times Durood Shareef
before and after daily.
The following Zikr is known as Zikr-e-Nafi and is usually read softly. The
manner in which this Zikr is read is as following:
1. La ilaaha illal laah 200 times
2. Ilal laahu 600 times
3. Allahu Allahu 400 times
The Zikr must commence and end with 3 times Durood Shareef.
The second type of Zikr is known as Zikr-e-Jahr and is usually recited aloud.
The procedure of Zikr-e-Jahr is:
1. Recite Durood Shareef -10 times
2. Recite Istighfaar -Astagh firullah -10 times
3. Fazkurooni Azkurkum Wash kuruli walaa Takfuroon -10 times
After reciting all of this make dumm (blow) on your self and begin the Zikr:
4. La ilaaha illal laah 200 times
5. Illal laa 400 times
6. Allahu Allahu 600 times
7. Haqq Haqq 100 times
The Awliyah-e-Kaamileen have mentioned that there is no better Wazifa than
that of the continuos recital of the Holy Quran. They have given us a method
of how we should also undertake the complete recitation of the Holy Quran.
It has been divided into the separate days.
Friday: Sura Fatiha till Sura Maida
Saturday: Sura In’am till Sura Tauba
Sunday: Sura Yunus till Sura Maryam
Monday: Sura Ta Ha till Sura Qasas
Tuesday: Sura Ankabut till Sura Saad
Wednesday: Sura Zumar till Sura Rahmaan
Thursday: Sura Waa’qia till the end
One should try one’s level best to practise on this manner of completing the
Holy Quran. One may not do so immediately, but we should
The following Durood should be read 100 times after every Salah if possible.
Especially after Jummah Salaah, the men should stand together facing
Madinah Shareef and recite this Durood Shareef with absolute respect. The
Durood is:
“Sallal laahu alan Nabiy’yil Umiy’yi Wa Aalihi Sallal Laahu alaihi wasal’lama Salaataw Was salaaman alaika Ya Rasoolallaah”
The following benefits are derived from reciting Durood-e-Radawiyya:
1. The one reciting it is blessed with 300 mercies of Almighty Allah.
2.Almighty Allah send peace upon him 2000 times
3.5000 good deeds are written in his Naama’e A’maal (Book of Deeds)
4.5000 of his sins are forgiven
5.His status is elevated by 5000 folds
6.It will be written on his forehead that he is not a hypocrite
7.It will be written on his forehead that he has been freed from the fire
of hell
8.On the Day of Qiyaamah, he will be amongst the Shuhada (Martyrs)
9.He will gain Barakah in his wealth
10. There will be blessings amongst his children
11. He will be powerful over his enemies
12. People will have love for him in their hearts
13. He will see Huzoor (sall Allahu alaihi wasallam) in his dream.
14. He will leave this world with Imaan.
15. On the Day of Qiyaamah, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sall Allahu alaihi
wasallam) will shake hands with him
16. The intercession of Rasoolullah (sall Allahu alaihi wasallam) will be
compulsory on him
17. Almighty Allah will be pleased with him in such a manner, that he will
never be displeased.
You should lie down with both the knees straightened and both hands on the
chest. Then the following should be read:
1. Ayatul Qursi -Allahu laa ilaaha illa hu huwal (Complete) once.
2. The four Quls -once. Sura Ikhlas must be read 3 times.
You should then blow upon the palms and pass them on the entire length
and breadth of your body. You may also do this for the infants who are not
able to read. It is also recommended that you learn the Suras Waaqia,
Yaseen and Mulk.
You should read these Suras before sleeping. As long as you do not know
them by heart, you may recite them by looking at the Holy Quran. Thereafter,
you should you should lie on the right side without talking. If you have to talk,
then you may do so, but you should recite Sura Kaafirun before going to
sleep. If this procedure is followed then, Insha-Allah, you will be protected
from all evil forces.
Insha Allah the reciter will pass from this world with Imaan and will attain
blessings through the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Those who do
not know how to read the Quran properly should be swift in learning as it is
Fard to do so. Be sure to recite every alphabet with correct pronunciation.
The benefits of reciting the following Surahs before going to bed:
1. Surah Mulk – Protection from Azaab (punishment) of the grave.
2. Surah Yaseen – To be recited for Maghfirat (Pardon)
3. Surah Waaqia – Protection from hunger.
4. Surah Dukhaan – the reciter will rise in the morning in a condition that 70,000 Angles will be making Istighfaar for him.
1. Remain steadfast on the teachings of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah.
Stay away from all those who are against the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah,
such as the Deobandis, Wahabis, Qadianis, Shias, Moudoodis and Nadwis.
Think of them as your enemies.
Do not listen to their speeches.
Do not sit amongst them. Abstain from reading any of their books since (may Allah forbid!) it does not take much time for Shaitaan to put evil into a person’s
The Deen and Imaan are the most valuable possessions of a person.
To protect one’s Imaan one must strive to the best of his or her ability.
Respect of the world and it’s wealth and the life of this world is only bound to
this world. Deen and Imaan will always be of importance in your homes.
To be aware of this is most important.
2. To be steadfast in performing the 5 daily Salaah is very important. For
men to perform Salaah with Jamaah in the Masjid is Waajib.
Those Muslims who do not perform Salaah are only human by name and not
by spirit since they do not fulfill their duties as human beings.
To make Salaah Qaza because of your job, business, etc. is to be totally ungrateful to Almighty Allah. No good employer will stop his staff from performing their
Salaah. If any employer does so, then to work for such a person is Haraam.
No means of gaining Rizk (Sustenance) can give the Barakah of Salaah. The
giving of Rizk is in the Power of Almighty Allah, Who has made Salaah Fardh
upon us and He shows great displeasure when Salaah is left.
3. Perform all those Salaah which you have made Qaza. If you do not
perform your Fardh Salaah, then your Nafil (optional) Ibaadah does not have
any certainty. So, beware, and be sure to perform your Salaah before your
time on this earth expires.
Always make Niyyah in Qazaa for the first Namaaz you have missed. In other words if you have 100 Qaza of Fajr, then say, & I am making Qazaa for the first very Fajr which I missed.= Do the same for all other Salaah. Qazaa is only for the Fardh and Witr Salaahs.
In other words, there will be all in all 20 Rakaats Qazaa Salaah for any given
4. Keep all those Fasts which you have missed out. The Holy Prophet
Muhammad Salallahu alaihiwasalam has stated,
“So long as a person does not keep his previous
Fast, the present Fast is not accepted.
5. Those who are Saahib-e-Nisaab, should give their Zakaah. One must not
delay in doing this, since by doing so, one will receive punishment and
spiritual torment. The Zakaat of each year must be paid before the year
ends. If one has not given Zakaah of the present year, then he should
accommodate it in the following years Zakaah so that the wealth may be
purified. If one has given more than the amount due, then he may carry it
over to the next year. Almighty Allah does not destroy the good actions of
any person.
6. Hajj is Fardh upon those who have the means of accomplishing it. In
commanding the Fardh of Hajj, Almighty Allah says, AWa Man Kafara Fa
In=nal Laaha Ghaniyun Anil Aalameen. The Prophet Salallahu alaihiwasalam has said the following concerning those who intentionally leave out Hajj: AHe will either die a christian or a jew. We ask protection in Allah from this. To be protected, Make your Hajj.
7. Protect your self from evil, lies, back-biting, adultery, sodomy, tyranny,
dishonesty, falsehood, pride, etc. To shave off or trim the beard is to be in the
garb of a faasiq. Abstain from all bad actions. Those who remain firm on
these seven points, shall be blessed with the promise of Allah which is Jannat.
1. O my beloved Mureed (disciple)! Remember that if you live life as
prescribed by the Shariah, then on the Day of Qiyaamah, you will be highly
successful and enlightened.
2. O my beloved Mureed! Remember that you have pledged to refrain from
anything which is against the Commands of Almighty Allah and His Beloved
Rasool (sall Allahu alaihi wasallam)
3. O my dear Mureed! You have pledged to reamin within the folds of the
Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah and that you will refrain from the company of all
misled sects and groups. Remember! Do not die, but in the state of Imaan.
4. O my beloved Mureed! You have pledged to perform all the Faraa’id of the
Shariat-e-Muhammadi (Sall Allahu alaihi wasallam), the Salaah, the Fasting,
the Hajj, and the the giving of Zakaah. Remain steadfast in these duties.
5. O my beloved Mureed! You have pledged to fulfil all the commands of
Shariah, so do not break this pledge which you have made.
It is compulsory upon the Muslim females to have Pardah. Those women
who do not have Pardah are not really Muslims in the true sense. You
cannot receive spiritual advancement if you deliberately go against the
Shariah of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). The men of the house
should make sure that the women are in Pardah (proper Islamic attire).
Strive in seeking closeness to Allah. Strive and surely you shall be
successful. Strive in Allah’s way for Almighty Allah says, ‘He who seeks a
path towards me, I will certainly show him the way.’ The Holy Prophet (sall
Allahu alaihi wasallam) says, ‘He who seeks an object will certainly receive it’
However, the pre-requisite for this is, true love and respect.
Love and respect for the Murshid is love and respect for the Holy Prophet (sall Allahu alaihiwasallam) and love and respect for the Holy Prophet (sall Allahu alaihiwasallam) is love and respect for Almighty Allah.
O my Dear Mureed!Remember the Concept of Tauheed (Allah is one), The Rasool (Sall Allahualaihi wasallam) is one and your Peer is One.
One should recite the Durood Shareef as much as possible. The recital of
the Durood Shareef causes the reciter to receive immense Barakaah. This
should also be remembered by the students, that if they do not have the time
to receive the wazifas, then they should continue to recite the Durood
Shareef in abundance.
Always try and visualize your Shaikh whenever you are alone. Do so with
total love and sincerity. Visualize that you are seated in front of your Shaikh
and that the both of you are present in the Court of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah
(sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Imagine that the ray of Noor (Light) is
descending upon the heart of your Murshid and from his heart it is being
transferred to your heart. If you continue in this manner, you will be freed of
all your worldly concerns and you will become more spiritually elevated.
May Almighty Allah assist you in this world and in the hereafter through the
Wasila of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu alaihi wasallam) and all the
Masha’ikh of the Silsila Qaaderiyah Barakaatiyah Radawiyyah Nooriyah.
This is the DUROOD-E-GHAU’SIYA: “Allahuma Salle Ala Sayyedina Wa Maulana Muhammadim Ma’dinil Joodi Wal Karami Wa Aalihi Wa Baarik Wa Sallim.”
Recite special Fateha on these days and send the Sawaab to the Souls of these great personalities as therein lies great reward for the reciter and a means of Salvation.
(1) Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) 12 Rabi-ul-Awwal – Madinatul Munawwarah
(2) Hazrat Ali Murtuza (radi Allahu anhu) 21 Ramadaan – Najaf Ashraf
(3) Sayyiduna Imam Hussain (Radi Allahu anhu) 10 Muharram – Karbala
(4) Imam Zainul Aabideen (radi Allahu anhu) 18 Muharram – Medina Shareef
(5) Imam Muhammad Baqqir (radi Allahu anhu) 7 Zil-Hajj – Medina Shareef
(6) Imam Jaafer Saadiq (radi Allahu anhu) 22 Shawwal – Medina Shareef
(7) Imam Moosa Kaazim (radi Allahu anhu) 25 Rajab – Baghdad Shareef
(8) Imam Ali bin Moosa Raza (radi Allah anhu) 25 Rajab – Baghdad Shareef
(9) Sheikh Ma’roof Kharkhi (radi Allahu anhu) 2 Muharram – Baghdad Shareef
(10) Sheikh Sirri Saqti (radi Allahu anhu) 13 Ramadaan – Baghdad Shareef
(11) Sheikh Junaid Baghdadi (radi Allahu anhu) 27 Rajab – Baghdad Shareef
(12) Sheikh Abu Bakr Shibli (radi Allahu anhu) 27 Zil-Hajj – Baghdad Shareef
(13) Sheikh Abdul Waahid Taymeemi (radi Allahu anhu) 26 Jamadi-ul-Akhir – Baghdad Shareef
(14) Sheikh Abul Farah Tartoosi (radi Allahu anhu) 3 Shabaan – Baghdad Shareef
(15) Sheikh Abul Hassan Ali Bhakaari (radi Allahu anhu) 1 Muharram – Baghdad Shareef
(16) Sheikh Abu Saeed Makhzoomi (radi Allahu anhu) 27 Shabaan – Baghdad Shareef
(17) Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) 11 Rabi-ul-Akhir – Baghdad Shareef
(18) Sheikh Taajuddeen Abdur Razzaaq (radi Allahu anhu) 6 Shawwaal – BaghdadShareef
(19) Sheikh Abu Saleh Nasr (radi Allahu anhu) 27 Rajab – Baghdad Shareef
(20) Sheikh Muhiyyudeen Abu Nasr (radi Allahu anhu) 27 Rabi-ul-Awwal – Baghdad Shareef
(21) Sheikh Sayed Ali (radi Allahu anhu) 23 Shawwaal – Baghdad Shareef
(22) Sheikh Sayed Moosa (radi Allahu anhu) 13 Rajab – Baghdad Shareef
(23) Sheikh Sayed Hassan (radi Allahu anhu) 26 Safar – Baghdad Shareef
(24) Sheikh Sayed Ahmad Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) 19 Muharram – Baghdad Shareef
(25) Sheikh Baha’uddeen (radi Allahu anhu) 11 Zil-Hajj – Daulat Abad, Dakan
(26) Sheikh Sayed Ibrahim (radi Allahu anhu) 5 Rabi-ul-Akhir – Delhi
(27) Sheikh Muhammad Bhakhari (radi Allahu anhu) 9 Zil Qaadah – Kakoori Shareef
(28) Sheikh Qazi Zia’uddeen (radi Allahu Anhu) 22 Rajab – Nutani (District of Lucknow)
(29) Sheikh Jamaal-ul-Awliyah (radi Allahu anhu) 1st Shawwaal – Jahan Abad (Disrict of Fathepur)
(30) Sheikh Sayed Muhammad (radi Allahu anhu) 1 Shaabaan – Kaalpi Shareef
(31) Sheikh Sayed Ahmad (radi Allahu anhu) 19 Safar – Kaalpi Shareef
(32) Sheikh Sayed Fadhlullah (radi Allahu anhu) 14 Zil Qadah – Kaalpi Shareef
(33) Sheikh Sayed Shah Barkatullah (radi Allahu anhu) 10 Muharram – Mahrahrah Shareef
(34) Sheikh Sayed Shah Aale Muhammad (radi Allahu anhu) 16 Ramadaan – Mahrahrah Shareef
(35) Sheikh Sayed Shah Aale Hamza (radi Allahu anhu) 14 Ramadaan – Mahrahrah Shareef
(36) Sheikh Shamsud’deen Aale Ahmad Ashe Mia (radi Allahu anhu) 17 Rabi-ul-Akhir -Mahrarah Shareef
(37) Sheikh Sayed Shah Aale Rasool Ahmadi (radi Allahu anhu) 18 Zil-Hajj – Mahrarah Shareef
(38) Hazrat Abul Husain Ahmad Noori (radi Allahu anhu) 11 Rajab – Mahrarah Shareef
(39) Sheikh Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza khan radiaAllahu anhu 25 safar bariely shareef
(40) Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Alam Mustafa Raza khan RadiaAllahu nahu 14 Moharram.
Ya Ilahi Har Jagha Teri Ataa Ka Saath Ho
Jub Pare Mushkil Shahe Mushkil Kusha Ka Saath Ho
Ya Ilaahi Bhool Jawu Naza ki takleef ko
Shaadiye deedare Husne Mustapha Ka saath ho
Ya Ilaahi Goor-e-tera Ki Jab Aayeh Sakht Raat
Unki Pyaari Moonh Ki subha Jaa fiza Ka saath ho
Ya Ilahi jab pare mahshar me shor-e-daar o gheer
Aman deneh waaleh pyaare peshwa ka saath ho
Ya Ilaahi jub Zabaaneh bahar Aayeh pyaas seh
Saahib-e-kauthar Shahe Jood-o-ataa Ka saath ho
Ya Ilaahi Sard-e-Mehri par ho jab khurshid-e-Hashr
Sayyad-e-beh Saaya Ke Zill-e-liwaa ka saath ho
Ya Ilaahi Garmi-e-Mahshar se jub bhar keh badan
Daaman-e-Mahboob ki thandi hawaa ka saath ho
Ya Ilaahi Naama-e-A’maal jub khulne lag’ e
Aib-e-pooshe khalq-e-Sat’taare Khata Ka Saath ho
Ya Ilaahi Jub Bahe Aankhe Hisaab-e-Jurum meh
Un Tabassum rez hontoh ki Dua ka saath ho
Ya Ilaahi jab Hisaab Khandaa-e-bichaar laye
Chashme Ghar-yaane Shafi-e-Murtaza Ka saath ho
Ya Ilaahi rangh laayi jab meri Be baaqiyah
Unki neechi neechi nazro ki Hayaa Ka saath ho
Ya Ilaahi Jab chalo Tareekh raahe Pul Siraat
Aftaab-e-Haashmi Noorul Huda Ka Saath ho
Ya Ilaahi Jub Sare Shamsheer par chalna pare
Rab’be Sallim kahneh waaleh ghamzudah ka saath ho
Ya Ilaahi Jo Du’a yeh nekh hum tujh se kare
Qudsiyo ke lab se Ameen Rabbana ka Saath ho
Ya Ilaahi Jab Raza Kwaab-e-Giraa se Sar Uthaaye
Daulat-e-bedaar Ishq-e-Mustafa Ka Saath ho
Ya Ilahi le chale jab dafan karne Qabr me
Ghaus-e-Azam peshwa’e Awliya Ka Saath ho
There are many virtues in reciting ones Shajrah, of which a few are
mentioned below:
1. Memorising the chain of Awliyah upto Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi
2. The Zikr and remembrance of Saaliheen (Awliyah) is the means of
receiving Allah’s Rahmah (Mercy)
3. Performing the Esaal-e-Sawaab for all the Spiritual Grand Masters of the
Silsila. This is a means of receiving the spiritual guidance and blessings.
4. When the mureed remembers them in times of comfort, the Awliyah of the
Silsilah will remember him in times of his hardship and they will be of
assistance to him.


घरेलू झगड़ो का इलाज,Gharelu Jhagde Ka Ilaaj,

*💔घरेलू झगड़ो का इलाज💔* 🌸मुफ़्ती अहमद यार खान अलैरहमा फरमाते है : 🏩घर में दाखिल होते वक़्त बिस्मिल्लाह पढ़ कर पहले सीधा क़दम दरवाज़े में द...